

Take advantage of the opportunity to access our global network, maximize unrealized potential, and increase business productivity through CHT Global’s one-stop-shop solution.

Contact Us

  • 1-877-988-1898
  • info@chtglobal.com
  • 2107 North First St., Ste. 580 San Jose, CA 95131
Find us:  2107 North First St.,
Ste. 580 San Jose,CA 95131
Contact: 1-877-988-1898
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International Private Leased Circuits

Gain access to the widest International Cable Line Network in the Pacific and beyond with capacities from 2.5G to 10G.
CHT Global's Data Wholesale includes the leasing of its undersea submarine cables within its network across the Pacific Ocean. Also known as the IPLC Project (10G/2.5G), which stands for International Private Line Cables with capacities from 2.5G up to 10G, carriers will be able to access one of the widest variety of cross-Pacific channels available, while also having the opportunity to reach multiple locations worldwide through CHT Global's network.

International Private Lines

CHT Global’s network offers you with the shortest latency paths between U.S. and Asia. We provide you with multiple submarine cable routes for mutual backup functionality and robust network connections to all of your international business locations.

Our multiple submarine cable routes offer unique international PoP-to-PoP connectivity to Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Pacific Rim in order to help enrich your network strength and stability.

Core Features & Key Benefits

  • Point-to-Point Direct Connectivity
  • Global Reach Spanning Greater than 30 Major Countries
  • Connectivity through CHT Global's Undersea Cable Network
  • Flexible Bandwidth Speed Options
  • Most Secure Transmission Channel
  • Cost-Effective for High Traffic Volume Customers
  • Convenient One-Stop-Shop (OSS)