

Take advantage of the opportunity to access our global network, maximize unrealized potential, and increase business productivity through CHT Global’s one-stop-shop solution.

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  • 1-877-988-1898
  • info@chtglobal.com
  • 2107 North First St., Ste. 580 San Jose, CA 95131
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Ste. 580 San Jose,CA 95131
Contact: 1-877-988-1898
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Colocation Services

CHT Global’s IDC Service is ideal for service providers who intend to consolidate their data storage and applications in a secure and managed facility.

CHT Global Colocation Services

With coverage spanning North America (U.S.A.), Asia (Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore), Australia, and Europe (Netherlands & U.K.), CHT Global’s footprint continues to expand worldwide. Within carrier-neutral Internet Data Centers, CHT Global gives customers easy and convenient access to unlimited bandwidth. In addition, multi-site deployment with customizable bandwidth maximizes redundancy and is the best solution for multinational enterprises and carriers alike, allowing them to expand their reach across the globe with guaranteed success.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Global Coverage:CHT Global’s IDC network of 24 data site locations spans over 12 countries worldwide
  • Controlled Environments:Uninterrupted Power, Cooling, Fire Suppression, & Physical Security
  • High Speed Connection:Access to CHT Global Network with direct connection to Asia
  • Worry Free:Disaster preventions established in power supply, cooling, and security
  • Room to Grow:Space and resources expansion available to grow as you grow
  • Unparalleled Customer Support:24/7 and 365 days of customer focused support

CHT Taipei Banqiao Data Center

CHT Taipei IDC campus is located in a prime location, acting as a central point to other major IDCs in Taiwan. The data center utilizes important Taiwan network resources and multiple submarine cables to deliver global connectivity.

In addition, the CHT Taipei IDC campus is adjacent to the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) data center, allowing customers to benefit from location accessibility and commercial interconnectivity.