

Take advantage of the opportunity to access our global network, maximize unrealized potential, and increase business productivity through CHT Global’s one-stop-shop solution.

Contact Us

  • 1-877-988-1898
  • info@chtglobal.com
  • 2107 North First St., Ste. 580 San Jose, CA 95131
Find us:  2107 North First St.,
Ste. 580 San Jose,CA 95131
Contact: 1-877-988-1898
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Ethernet Bandwidth

CHT Global provides carriers with the ability to expand your global network with fast and scalable bandwidth needs and requirements.

Global IP Transit Access

As an international carrier with a wide range of submarine cables and bandwidth capacity, CHT Global is able to provide IP Transit across the globe. This wholesale of dedicated internet allows for ISPs, ICPs, academic institutions, and multinational corporations around the world to access the major Internet networks within the US and the Asia-Pacific. The ability to provide fast internet access allows carriers to establish a commanding reach and presence across the globe.

Key Features

  • Fast, Reliable, and Scalable Bandwidth
  • Simplified Network Configurations
  • High-speed Connections directly to the U.S. and Asia Pacific Internet Networks
  • Enhanced Network Availability
  • Reliability Based Upon Robust Submarine Infrastructure