

Take advantage of the opportunity to access our global network, maximize unrealized potential, and increase business productivity through CHT Global’s one-stop-shop solution.

Contact Us

  • 1-877-988-1898
  • info@chtglobal.com
  • 2107 North First St., Ste. 580 San Jose, CA 95131
Find us:  2107 North First St.,
Ste. 580 San Jose,CA 95131
Contact: 1-877-988-1898
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Submarine Cables

We provide you with multiple submarine cable routes for backup and the shortest latency paths between the U.S. and Asia.

Internet Data Centers

CHT Taipei IDC campus is located in a prime location, acting as a central point to other major data centers in Taiwan.

Global Network

CHT Global offers unique international PoP-to-PoP connectivity and the fastest bandwidth access through our global network.

Software-Defined WAN

Use SD-WAN as an easy, secure, and cost-effective MPLS-VPN backup solution to deploy new branch locations quickly.

NET2VIP+ Telephony Solution

Choose NET2VIP+ to connect all your offices around the globe through an integrated communications system.


Our mobility data plans are flexible and ideal for employees who frequently travel both domestically and globally.

Global Vision

Driving the ‘global’ agenda to transform the future of the telecommunications industry.

One-Stop Shop

Providing clients with a convenient and efficient solution for all their business needs.

Network Diversity

Blending a host of diverse solutions using one of the Asia Pacific’s strongest networks.

24x7 Customer Care

Working tirelessly to support our clients through our 24x7 global network operations center.


Schedule your free network consultation today!

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